ISO 9001 in the Mexican education sector
ISO 9001 in the Mexican education sector
According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), the mission of the education sector is to create societies that generate learning and improvement opportunities for all people, taking into account some essential characteristics to achieve this goal, such as the generation of knowledge for the members of society, with studies and research that are supported to later teach them to students.
According to the diagnostic report on the right to education by CONEVAL (National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy), education in Mexico has many complications.
It is insufficient since there are not too many educational institutions that can cover all the demand of the population in Mexico; it is also unequal, this can be observed in rural communities that have little or no access to education; and likewise, lack of economic resources in families to cover the expenses in the course of the career; in addition to this, the quality of education is uncertain due to lack of training, higher education degrees, and lack of motivation due to unattractive salaries for teachers.
Main problems in the Mexican education sector
There are not enough educational personnel to meet the demand and the number of students for education to be effective.
In Mexico, one third of the institutions at all levels do not have the appropriate facilities, nor the cleanliness and attention necessary for students to feel comfortable and safe.
In rural communities, the majority of young people are living in isolation and without nearby schools at any level of education.
If in the first years of education they did not have the attention and learning expected, it is difficult for students to want to start a bachelor’s degree.
For the above reasons, the ISO 9001:2015 certification for the education sector is of vital importance and brings many benefits that you can ensure your customers, which in this case is the enrollment (students) and parents, a quality education and that your institution has an educational level that is supported by the certification, as well as monitoring by the institution to improve their processes and ways of teaching.
ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard that aims to implement and improve all the elements of quality management that your organization must have to have an effective system that allows you to manage and control the quality of their products or services; identifying the processes that you must implement to achieve this goal.
This will be achieved by addressing each point with planning, organization, and constant evaluation of its processes to implement and improve efficiency resulting in customer satisfaction.
The standard establishes several requirements to be implemented. The following are the most significant ones:
Management: which will establish the policies, plans to be followed and documentation to be implemented.
Quality policy: where you are going and where you want to go with the implementation of our management system.
Quality and process manual: the process documentation.
Quality objectives: which are also included in the Manual.
Procedures for the operation of the quality management system: instructions and specifications for the achievement of your objectives.
Evidence documents: how to carry out the planning, operation and control of your quality management system.
Measurement, analysis and continuous process improvement: plan, do, check and act.

In order to implement this certification your institution must meet certain requirements, the main one being the management and evaluation of human talent.
When you make an evaluation of human talent you can obtain information for decision making, finding weak points that your institution must strengthen, as well as points of improvement in which you can create proposals and action plans for improvement. This requires commitment and participation of all members of your institution and positioning as a high quality institution.
Human talent management is very important for your institution, you must evaluate the profiles of your employees to be able to hire the most suitable personnel and the one that best suits your needs and requirements for the achievement of your objectives, look for people who are highly prepared and committed to meet the quality you want to impart and transmit to students.
- Increase efficiency and decrease costs for your institution.
Guarantee quality learning for your students (with innovative and reliable methods, techniques and dynamics).
Enable your institution to identify, analyze and remove barriers that impede, weaken and delay students’ knowledge.If you are looking to boost your organization, at QAlliance we have highly qualified personnel to follow up and support you in the process of your certification. Contact us for more information.