Health and Safety within your organization

Health and Safety within your organization


ISO 45001:2018 is the standard that came into force and replaced OHSAS 18001, to follow and improve occupational health and safety management systems. This standard is intended to streamline and facilitate integration with all other management systems that govern organizations in various areas, mainly with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, since they share an annex (Annex SL), in the 2015 version.

Some of the differences between OHSAS 18001 and the new ISO 45001 are that it includes the new concept of Organizational Context, which covers internal and external issues within your organization, addressing the needs and expectations of your employees.

It also takes into account the expansion of the concept of leadership to include policy, roles, participation and timely consultation. Similarly, it strengthens the planning, support, performance and evaluation of the measures that you must follow for the correct implementation of the standard.

ISO 45001:2018 is based on four central axes of your organization: your risks, your workers, their health and their workplace. If you already have a management system implemented in quality or environmental, it will be easier to achieve your certification in 45001:2018; if you do not have any of the previous management systems, you should consider the following points as a basis to start.

Define your management distribution, responsibility and authority.
Define your organization’s achievable objectives.
Check your organization’s policy, safety and occupational health structure.

The implementation of an occupational health and safety management system helps you to improve the safety of your workers, to manage the possible risks that may exist, and thus, to reduce them and avoid injuries; likewise, to take high occupational health measures, improve the productivity of all areas of your organization, create a safety culture, have and follow legal identification guidelines and the evaluation of their compliance.

Being certified under the health and safety management standard aims to prevent illnesses and injuries that are caused by poor working conditions; promote a good working environment and maintain continuous improvement for the mental, physical and social health of your employees.



Some of the benefits of implementing the standard are as follows:

Reduction in health and safety operating costs: referring to the reduction of temporary sick leave due to accidents or illnesses and the reduction in compensation expenses.
Improved health and safety: take into account the health and safety of both employees and your customers and suppliers.
Customer satisfaction: you provide your customers with a guarantee of total safety, in addition to the fact that this standard is recognized by the Safety Schemes In Procurement (SSIP).
Social responsibility of your organization: refers to your corporate social responsibility and commitment and your organizational culture.
Legal compliance: your organization will be in compliance with the standard and the guidelines established by law.
Proven business credentials: being certified under ISO 45001 means growth for your company.

Health and Safety within your organization

By following this framework you will be able to best manage risks and opportunities so that you can provide a safe and healthy workplace for your employees.

It is worth mentioning that top management has a valuable weight on the efficient and effective implementation of the health and safety system, as they can guide and provide the necessary resources.

In addition, don’t forget that all your employees are a team and they need to understand the points that adhere to the 45001 standard and commit to its due compliance, for their well-being and the strengthening of your company.

Our team has the necessary tools to help you certify your organization, contact us and we will provide you with the best service to accompany you in your certification process and verify that it is successful.