ISO 14001 in the Plastics Sector
Plastic is one of the most used materials around the world, it is so common in our lives that we do not stop to think about the amount we consume and generate every day. It has become so easy to find this material in basic things like water bottles, food packaging, the bags we get at the supermarket and even in our clothes.
By nature, a large number of materials are present in the plastic sector, which may or may not be organic. However, this makes it essentially a moldable and versatile material, capable of meeting the needs of different products in various industries. In addition, its price is quite affordable compared to other materials and it has a good durability.
According to chemical engineering researcher Robert Brunet of Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona, Spain, around 300 megatons of plastic are currently consumed worldwide. The amount of plastic used by the world’s population has become immense and the controversy over the use of this material is not a new issue.
In recent years, the governments of different countries around the world, in collaboration with major international organizations such as the UN, have tried to reach agreements that guarantee a reduction in the use of plastic.
There are several reasons why this initiative has become so relevant nowadays, the main one being the environmental issue, since it is no secret that plastic is, among other factors, one of the major pollutants in the planet’s ecosystems.
The most vulnerable and affected by plastic are the oceans and seas, as people tend to throw garbage in them or do not dispose of them properly, which causes the death of thousands of marine species.

The UN determined with a declaration that from 2020 to 2030 more than 200 countries are committed to reduce the use of plastic, in a collaboration in which governments, entrepreneurs and all of us as a society are involved.
The question that many have probably asked themselves is whether it will be possible to comply with this in just over 10 years, and the answer is yes, it is possible. It does not matter the size of your company to be part of this initiative.
The first step to achieve it is the implementation of your environmental management system that helps you to account for and rationalize the consumption of plastic. With the ISO 14001 standard you will be able to realize the amount of malleable that is being generated within your company, you will also be able to identify if it is susceptible or not and know if it can be reused so that it is not wasted.
The implementation of your ISO 14001 management system is not only applicable to companies that are dedicated to the plastics sector, as this system can be adapted to any type of organization, since it mainly focuses on the environmental impact of the activities they carry out.
With ISO 14001 your organization will demonstrate its commitment to the environment, and will also help to guarantee the correct compliance with certain applicable legal requirements, with the main function of minimizing the negative impact on the environment.
When your organization decides to implement its management system, apart from contributing to the environment, it will help to have a better organization with which there will be a remarkable progress in the existing processes, translating into a cost reduction.
It is worth mentioning that it will also help you to improve your business image before the government and society in general, as well as all interested parties, which guarantees a competitive advantage over other companies that do not have a certification of this standard.
As you have already seen, the benefits of obtaining your ISO 14001 certification are many. If you want to know more about this standard we invite you to contact us, we will provide you with the information you need and we will help you to obtain your certificate in the most recognized environmental standard.