ISO 14001: Environmental management system in the hotel sector

ISO 14001: Environmental management system in the hotel sector ISO 14001: Environmental management system in the hotel sector IMPORTANCE OF THE HOTEL INDUSTRY IN THE ECONOMY Globally, the hotel industry is one of the most developed thanks to the tourism sector that countries have. The hotel sector is an essential part of tourism in Mexico, […]
Environmental impact and its reduction with the ISO 50001:2015 standard.

Environmental impact and its reduction with ISO 50001:2015 WHAT FACTORS DAMAGE THE ENVIRONMENT? It talks about the good energy management that can be achieved by working with the ISO 50001:2018 standard. This standard talks about how to manage energy in a better way, minimizing the carbon footprint by organizations. What is carbon, what is a […]
ISO 9001 certification in hotels and restaurants

ISO 9001 certification in hotels and restaurants INTRODUCCIÓN A LA INDUSTRIA HOTELERA The first hotels were private homes that opened their doors to guests for lodging. The word “hospitality” comes from Latin and means “host”. Inns and hotels began to cater to travelers by providing pleasure in an effort to encourage visitors in the Roman Empire. […]