International Certification Body in ISO Standards

International Standars



We help you meet the highest international quality standards. Take the first step towards excellence!


We guarantee that you work with the best. Trust and security for your business!


Build strong and efficient work teams with our specialized training. Invest in your talent!


Recognition of the certification of a valid and existing Management System, granted by an Accredited Certification Body to another Body with the same qualities, for the purpose of issuing its own certification.

Importance of getting certified

Certification guarantees your clients that you operate with the best practices and quality, as well as the search for continuous improvement of your processes. With certification you demonstrate your commitment to best practices and quality in your organization.



ISO 9001

Quality Management System

ISO 14001

Environmental Management System

ISO 45001

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

ISO 37301

Compliance Management System

ISO 27001

Information Security Management System

ISO 22000

Food Safety Management System

ISO 20000-1

IT Service Management System

ISO 37001

Anti-bribery management system

ISO 13485

Sistema de Gestión de Dispositivos Médicos

Specialized sectors

We specialise in offering ISO standards certifications for a wide range of sectors, adapting to the specific needs of each industry. Thanks to our flexible approach and deep technical knowledge, we have developed expertise in key sectors, such as:

Construction sector

Education Sector

Transport Sector

Other sectors


What is an ISO Standard?

ISO standards are models that serve as a reference for the manufacture and/or evaluation of a product, the execution of a process or the provision of a service.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is responsible for creating standards in order to unify them and make them international.

What is a Management System?

A Management System could be defined as the set of organized and coordinated activities that allow offering quality products or services for customer satisfaction; that is, they are components susceptible to planning, control and continuous improvement, so that they meet the requirements and exceed expectations.

Does it apply to any company or organization?

Due to the broad scope and flexibility of ISO standards, any business can implement a Management System.

What requirements are needed for certification?

To be eligible for ISO certification, you must meet 4 essential requirements:
1. Have the corresponding Management System implemented.
2. Have at least 3 months of records.
3. Have carried out at least one internal audit.
4. Have carried out a management review.

What is the process and how long does Certification take?

The ISO certification process begins when you decide to boost your company’s Management Systems. The duration varies depending on the time it takes to implement it.

What is the cost of Certification?

The cost of certification depends on several factors such as the size of the company, its scope and the number of employees, among other factors.

We invite you to visit the QAlliance Quotation section

QAlliance Quotation

International Certification Body for ISO Standards
QA ENG 37301
International Organization Body for ISO Standards Certification
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International Organization Body for ISO Standards Certification
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ISO 9001

Quality Management System

ISO 14001

Environmental Management System

ISO 45001

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

ISO 13485

Medical Device Management System

ISO 20000-1

IT Service Management

ISO 22000

Food Safety Management System

ISO 27001

Information Security Management System

ISO 37001

Anti-bribery management systems

ISO 50001

Energy Management

ISO 37301

Compliance Managment Systems


The companies that stand out and have a clear competitive advantage are those with Official Certification in one of the ISO Standards.

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ISO 9001
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ISO 14001
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ISO 45001
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ISO 13485
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ISO 20000-1
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ISO 37001
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ISO 50001


What is an ISO Standard?

ISO Standards are those models that serve as a reference for the manufacture and/or evaluation of a product, performance of a process or provision of a service.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO: International Organization Standardization) is in charge of creating standards in order to unify them and make them international.

What is a Management System?

A Management System could be defined as the set of ordered and coordinated activities that allow offering quality products or services for customer satisfaction; that is, they are components susceptible to planning, control and continuous improvement, so that they meet the requirements and exceed expectations.

Does it apply to any company or organization?

Due to the wide scope and flexibility of ISO standards, any business can implement a Management System.

What are the requirements for certification?

To be eligible for ISO certification, 4 essential requirements must be met:
1. To have implemented the corresponding Management System.
2. To have at least 3 months of records
3. To have carried out at least one internal audit.
4. To have carried out a management review

What is the process and how long does Certification take?

The ISO certification process starts when you decide to boost your company’s Management Systems. The duration varies in relation to the time it takes to implement it.
We invite you to learn more about the Certification Process.

What is the cost of the Certification?

The cost of certification depends on several factors such as the size of the company, the scope of the company and the number of employees, among other factors.


We invite you to visit the QAlliance Quotation section.

Satisfied customers


"The attention from the commercial advisor was always very close, prompt and high quality. The External Audit Service to our QMS was excellent. The work, responsibility and opinions from the Lead Auditor and the Internal Auditors were very professional and gave us a lot of feedback. The only chance for improvement would be during the planning stage since while we were working alongside 3 different people, we had to make changes on the audit plan, as apparently the information and changes requested were not shared among them."

Agustín Díaz Hernández
Ministry of Economy

"When an organization decides to implement a Quality Management System, it is because it decides to be an intelligent organization, by putting into practice the improvement of its processes, likewise it must know how to choose a certifying company; for the Polytechnic University of Huejutla, THE QUALITY ALLIANCE, S.A. DE C.V, is a symbol of trust for its service in the commercial and logistics area and the objectivity, impartiality and professionalism of its audit team".

Juan Ángel Oropeza Estrada
Polytechnic University of Huejutla
Certifiable Standards
Certified Customers
0 +
Auditors and Experts
0 +


Do you have questions or plan to become certified soon?

Tell us your needs so that an advisor can contact you.

ISO certification