The Quality Alliance S.A. de C.V. reserves the right to modify the price of the quotation given to the client once the information provided by the client in the corresponding service request has been corroborated in Stage 1 or Stage 2.
For audits within Mexico City, NO FEES APPLY.
When The Quality Alliance S.A. de C.V. is in charge of travel expenses in the metropolitan area and outside Mexico City, these must be reimbursed by the client once the payment of the service is made, which include:
For food $500.00 pesos per day of audit.
For lodging $1,000.00 pesos per night of audit.
Transportation expenses to the place of audit (in trips whose transfer is less than 5 hours will be made by bus, when it is longer than this time will proceed to cover airline tickets).
In case the client covers the travel expenses from the beginning, he/she must manage all the expenses that could be generated by the audit team, being responsible for transportation, lodging and meals.
In order for a certified organization to have its certificate suspended or cancelled, one or more of the following conditions must be met:
The surveillance evaluations have not been carried out for at least one year in the case of suspension and for cancellation, the suspension must be maintained for 6 months.
During the evaluations it is detected that the management system or product of the certified organization does not comply with the requirements specified in the standard by more than 50%. – Suspension
If the organization does not comply with the authorization of the use of the mark and logo or it is used for other purposes not specified – Suspension until the issue is resolved or cancellation in case of failure to resolve the issue within a maximum period of 6 months.
If the certification document is used for purposes other than those legally declared by our organization – Suspension until the issue is resolved or cancellation if not resolved within a maximum period of 6 months.
If the certified organization uses the certificate, logo or mark in a misleading manner in advertising – Suspension until the issue is resolved or cancellation if no solution is found within a maximum period of 6 months.
Non-conformities have been reported and NOT corrected as stipulated in the certification procedures.
If the certified organization does not pay the fees established by our organization for the evaluation of its management system, established in the corresponding contract.
If the certified organization suffers internal changes in such a way as to incur significant non-conformity of the management system – Suspension or cancellation at the discretion of the Certification Committee.
If the certified organization wishes or requests cancellation or suspension of its certificate for a maximum period of six months through a free-format request from the client.
If the organization does not allow access to the requested information or its facilities as stipulated in the certification procedures and regulations of the organization – Suspension until the issue is resolved or cancellation if no solution is found within a maximum period of 6 months.
If the organization declares bankruptcy, closes its facilities or its certified branches or changes its address and corporate name and does not notify the organization in a timely manner – Suspension until the issue is resolved or cancellation if not resolved within a maximum period of 6 months.
For a short term audit required by any complaint or complaint of non-compliance by any interested party, The Quality Alliance S.A. de C.V. will notify the client with a maximum of 5 working days in advance in order to be received at the client’s facilities to be audited.
The time of attention to the findings found in an audit are the following:
In case of a Major Nonconformity an action plan must be sent to the lead auditor no later than 15 working days after the audit closure and must be implemented no later than 45 working days after it has been delivered.
In case of a Minor Nonconformity, an action plan must be sent to the lead auditor, it is reviewed by the Certification Committee and in the next audit a review of the actions taken will be made, which if not effective, adequate or addressed may become a Major Nonconformity.
In case of an Improvement Opportunity in the next audit, the actions taken will be reviewed in depth, if they are not carried out, it may be upgraded to a Minor Nonconformity.